[100] |
Nogami, H., Kobayashi, R., and Matsui, M., “Maximization of optical path length of multi-pass cell by parametric ray tracing calculation,” Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.17, No.1, 2024, pp.1-6. |
[99] |
Tsuchikawa, S., Nishida, S., Tokuda, S., Takeuchi, K., Matsui, M., “Performance Evaluation of a Low Power Hall Thruster with Carbon Dioxide Propellant,” Acta Astronautica, Vol.224, 2024, pp.415-426. |
[98] |
Nishida, S., Tsuchikawa, S., and Matsui, M., “Earth–Mars Transportation via Hall Thrusters Using Carbon Dioxide,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol. 22, 2024, pp.71-77. https://doi.org/10.2322/tastj.22.71 |
[97] |
石黒幹太, 米倉建志, 松井信, “水素及び予加熱を用いたCWレーザーアブレーションによる粉体アルミナ還元効率向上の検証,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2024, pp.43-50. |
[96] |
Takano, S., Okamoto, K., Hommme, Y., and Matsui, M., “Effect of Flow Velocity on Generation Condition of Diode Laser-Sustained Plasma using Argon,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol. 22, No., 2024, pp. 1-6. |
[95] |
本目大和, 高野成一郎, 新垣善斗, 松井信, “ファイバレーザーを用いたアルゴンレーザー維持プラズマの生成しきい値と特性評価,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2023, pp.61-68. |
[94] |
Matsui, M., Okamoto, K., Takano, S., and Ishikawa, K., “Characteristics of Krypton and Krypton-based Mixed Gases Laser-Sustained Plasma using a 4 kW Laser Diode,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol.51, Issue 12, 2023, pp. 3556-3562. |
[93] |
Takano, S., Homme, Y., and Matsui, M., “Effects of the F-number on the generation condition of a diode-laser-sustained plasma,” Optics Letters, Vol. 48, Issue 21, 2023pp. 5447-5450. |
[92] |
軍司康太, 徳田洲, 土川勢矢, 松井信, 渡邊裕樹, 張科寅, 大川恭志, “二酸化炭素を用いた100 W級ホールスラスタの性能評価,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2023, pp.26-32. |
[91] |
Okamoto, K., Ishikawa, K., and Matsui, M., “Generation of Argon Laser-Sustained Plasma using Diode Laser,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautial and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol.66, No.4, 2023, pp.141-144. |
[90] |
Takano, S, Ishikawa, K., and Matsui, M., “Trajectory Optimization and Cost Estimation of Laser Propulsion Systems Considering Transmission Losses by Atmospheric Turbulence,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol.? |
[89] |
Ishiguro, K., Uesugi, K., Oishi, R., and Matsui, M., “Investigation of the Effect of SiO₂ and Si Content on Plume Temperature for Alumina Reduction in Lunar Regolith Using Laser Diode Ablation,” Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol. 15, No. 1-2, 2022, pp.7-12. |
[88] |
桑原彬, 松井信, “ナノ秒パルスレーザーにより生成されたアブレーションプラズマの並進温度と柱状密度測定,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.30, No.1, 2022, pp.65-70. |
[87] |
Matsui, M., Kobayashi, R., and Yasui, T., “Enhancement Limit of Sensitivity in Laser Absorption Spectroscopy using a Multipass Cell composed of Spherical Concave Mirrors,” Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 33, 2022, 115203. |
[86] |
Kuwahara, A., Mizushima, Y., Matsui, M., Kozuka, T., and Mase, N., “Electrodeless hydrogen production from seawater using femtosecond laser pulses,” RSC Advances, Vol. 12, 2022, 9304. |
[85] |
Uesugi, K., Oishi, R., and Matsui, M., “Evaluation of Ablation Plume Temperature for Laser Intensity and Alumina Powder Particle Density in Alumina Reduction,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 61, SA1021, 2022, 1-5. |
[84] |
Uesugi, K., Oishi, R., and Matsui, M., “Temperature Measurement of Laser Ablation using 1 kW Class Continuous-wave Laser Diode and Analysis of Ablated Alumina,” Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.14, No.2, 2021, pp.1-6. |
[83] |
小林隆, 松井信, 山田和彦, “マルチパスレーザー吸収分光法における膨張波管窓の感度向上への影響評価と時間分解気流診断,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.29, No.1, 2021, pp.15-21. |
[82] |
Kuwahara, A., Aiba, Y., and Matsui, M., “Plasma Atomization of Strontium Chloride Powder by a Supersonic Plasma Jet and Measurement of Its Efficiency Using Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy,” ACS Omega, Vol.6, 2021, pp.11750-11755. |
[81] |
Matsui, M., and Morita, R., “Development of High-Sensitive Laser Absorption Spectroscopy System for Number Density Measurement of Atomic Oxygen in Optically Thick Plasma,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautial and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2021, pp.447-451. |
[80] |
Kuwahara, A., Aiba, Y., Nankawa, T., and Matsui, M., “Temperature Difference Between Gas Species in Absorption Measurements Using Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy and Its Effect on Temperature Reduction,” Atomic Spectroscopy, Vol.42, No.3, 2021, pp.134-140. |
[79] |
Matsui, M., Kobayashi, R., Okamoto, T., Yamada, K., and Tanno, H., “Temperature Measurement of HEK-X Expansion Tube Flow by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy,” Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautial and Space Sciences, Vol. 64, No. 3, 2021, pp.1-2. |
[78] |
Hara, R., Uesugi, K., and Matsui, M., “Laser power and wavelength dependence of alumina reduction using YAG laser ablation considering inverse bremsstrahlung,” Vacuum, Vol. 184, 2021, 109954. |
[77] |
Kamei, T., Matsui, M., Mori, K., “Feasibility study of a laser launch system for picosatellites and nanosatellites in low-earth orbits,” Acta Astronautica, Vol.176, 2020, pp.124-130. |
[76] |
Kamei, T., Matsui, M., Mori, K., “Feasibility study of a laser launch system for picosatellites and nanosatellites in low-earth orbits,” Acta Astronautica, Vol.176, 2020, pp.124-130. |
[75] |
Matsui, M., Ono, Y., and Kamei, T., “Argon–Xenon Laser-Sustained Plasma using 1-kW Diode Laser,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol.48, Issue 7, 2020, pp.2684-2686. |
[74] |
原涼馬, 松井信, “シングルバブルソノルミネセンス発光時間のリン酸濃度依存性,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.28, No.1, 2020, pp.9-16. |
[73] |
Okamoto, T., Kobayashi, R., Ikutomo, S., Matsui, M., and Yamada, K., “Evaluation of Sensitivity and Spatial Resolution of Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Using Multi-pass Configuration for Expansion Tube Flows,” Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.13, No.1, 2020, pp.39-40. |
[72] |
Kamei, T., Matsui, M., and Ono, T., “Methane and Methane–Xenon Laser Sustained
Plasma using High Power Diode Laser for Space Propulsion,” Aerospace Technology
Japan 32nd ISTS, Vol.18, No.5, 2020, pp.271-275. |
[71] |
Hara, R., and Matsui, M., “Dependence of Phosphoric Acid Concentration on Emission Intensity and Temperature of Single Bubble Sonoluminescence,” Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.12, No.1, 2019, pp.19 -24. |
[70] |
Matsui, M., Ono, Y., and Mori, K., “Generating Conditions of Argon Laser-Sustained Plasma by Disk, Fiber and Diode Lasers,” Vacuum, Vol. 167, 2019., pp.490-494. |
[69] |
亀井知己, 小野貴裕, 松井信, 森浩一, “100 kWファイバーレーザーを用いたレーザー打上システムの実現可能性の検証と将来の大量輸送システム,” 宇宙太陽発電, Vol.3, 2018, pp.38-45. |
[68] |
葛山浩, 濱田柔久, 矢野智也, 酒井武治, 松井信, “アーク気流エンタルピー計測のための水冷式電磁力プローブの試作機開発と加熱予備試験,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.26, No.1, 2018, pp.39-44. |
[67] |
Matsui, M., Katsurayama, H., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y., “Characterization of Hypersonic High Enthalpy CO2 Flows by Laser Driven Plasma Wind Tunnel,” Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.11, No.2, 2018, pp.41-46. |
[66] |
Kuwahara, A., Aiba, S. Yamasaki, Y., Nankawa, T., and Matsui, M., “High spectral resolution of diode laser absorption spectroscopy for isotope analysis using supersonic plasma jet,” Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Vol. 33, Iss. 7, 2018, pp.1150-1153. |
[65] |
Kuwahara, A., Aiba, Y., Nankawa, T., and Matsui, M., “Development of isotope analytical method based on diode laser absorption spectroscopy using arc-jet plasma wind tunnel,” Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Vol. 33, Issue 5, 2018, pp. 893-896. |
[64] |
Yamada, T., and Matsui, M., “Evaluation of Time Resolution of Laser Heterodyne Interferometer for Electron Density Measurement,” Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.11, No.1, 2018, pp. 22-25. |
[63] |
石井真則, 松井信, “レーザーアブレーションを用いたアルミナ還元エネルギー変換効率の測定,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.25, No.2, 2017, pp.82-86. |
[62] |
Katsurayama, H., Fukuda, N., Toyodome, T., Matsui, M., and Katoh, Y., “Total
Drag Measurement in Electrodynamic Braking in Arc Plume with Variable Backpressure,”
Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.10, No.1, 2017, pp.41-44. |
[61] |
Matsui, M. and Yamada, T., “High sensitive translational temperature measurement
using characteristic curve of second harmonic signal in wavelength modulation
spectroscopy,” Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.88, 2017, 013105. |
[60] |
西本昂司, 小野貴裕, 松井信, “発光分光法によるキセノン半導体レーザー維持プラズマの温度測定,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.24, No.2,
2016, pp.79-83. |
[59] |
Nishimoto, K., and Matsui, M., “Generation of Xenon Laser Sustained Plasma
Using 1 kW Class Laser Diode,” Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.9,
No.2, 2016, pp.71-73. |
[58] |
Sato, Y., Myoen, R., Matsui, M., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y., “Reduction
efficiency of alumina powder by various feeding methods in laser plasma
wind tunnel,” Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.9, No.1, 2016,
pp.51-52. |
[57] |
山田透, 松井信, “波長変調分光法による並進温度測定可能性の検証,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.23-2, 2015, pp.?-?. |
[56] |
森田陵, 松井信, “軸外し集積キャビティ出力分光法による酸素原子数密度測定,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.22, No.2, 2014,
pp.129-132. |
[55] |
Morita, R., and Matsui, M., “Effect of Modulation Frequency on Sensitivity
Enhancement of Wavelength Modulated Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy,”
Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.7, No.1, 2014, pp.49-54. |
[54] |
Matsui, M., Yoneda, S., Komurasaki, K., Yamagiwa, Y., and Arakawa, Y.,
“Atomic-oxygen-flow Generation by Laser-driven Plasma Wind Tunnel as Low-earth-orbit
Environment Simulator,” AIAA Journal, Vol.52, No.8, 2014, pp.1806-1810. |
[53] |
Kato, S., Suzuki, S., Takayanagi, H., Mizuno, M., Fujita, K., Matsui, M.,
and Yamagiwa, Y., “Recombination Coefficient Measurement for Oxygen Recombination
by Two-photon Absorption Laser Induced Fluorescence,” Transactions of the
JSASS Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol.12, No.ISTS29, 2014, pp.Po_2_23-Po_2_28. |
[52] |
Sugita, Y., Koizumi, H., Kuninaka, H., Yamagiwa, Y., and Matsui, M., “Number
Density Measurement of Neutral Particles in a Miniature Microwave Discharge
Ion Thruster,” Transactions of the JSASS Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol.12,
No.ISTS29, 2014, pp.Tb_31-Tb_35. |
[51] |
Shimada, A., Tanaka. Y., Ohkawa, Y., Matsumoto, K., Tagawa, M., Matsui,
M., and Yamagiwa, Y., “Effect of Atomic Oxygen Irradiation on Field Emission
Cathodes in Low Earth Orbit,” Transactions of the JSASS Aerospace Technology
Japan, Vol.12, No.ISTS29, 2014, pp.Pb_59-Pb_64. |
[50] |
福路直大, 松井信, 山極芳樹, “レーザー維持プラズマを用いたアルミナ還元における超音波ふるいを用いた紛体供給システムの開発,” プラズマ応用科学,
Vol.21, No.2, 2013, pp.131-134. |
[49] |
Fukuji, N., Matsui, M., Nakano, M., Komurasaki, K., Arakawa, Y., Goto,
T., and Shirakata, H., “Influence of Plasma Fluctuation and Size on Reduction
Efficiency of Alumina,” Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.6, No.2,
2013, pp.5-9. |
[48] |
杉田祐人, 小泉宏之, 國中均, 山極芳樹, 松井信, “マイクロ波放電式小型イオンエンジンの高分解能中性粒子数密度度分布測定,” プラズマ応用科学,
Vol.21, No.1, 2013, pp.9-14. |
[47] |
福路直大, 松井信, 山極芳樹, 中野正勝, 小林明, 小紫公也, 荒川義博, 後藤徹也, 白形弘文, “発光分光法によるレーザープラズマ風洞気流の気流特性とアルミナ還元効率の評価,”
プラズマ応用科学, Vol.21, No.1, 2013, pp.49-52. |
[46] |
Matsui, M., Fukuji, N., Nakano, M., Komurasaki, K., Arakawa, Y., Goto,
T., and Shirakata, H., “Alumina Reduction by Laser Sustained Plasma for
Aluminum-based Renewable Energy Cycling,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable
Energy,Vol.5, 2013, 039101. |
[45] |
Petkow, D., Herdrich, G., Pfeiffer, M., Mirza, A., Fasoulas, S., Matsui,
M., and Komurasaki, K., “On the probabilistic particle simulation of an
arcjet flow expansion,” Vacuum, Vol.88, 2013, pp.58-62. |
[44] |
桑原彬, 松井信, 山極芳樹, “真空紫外吸収分光法におけるプローブ光プロファイルの評価と数密度測定への影響,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.20,
No.2, 2012, pp.130-134. |
[43] |
Kuwahara, A., Matsui, M., and Yamagiwa, Y., “Development of vacuum ultraviolet
absorption spectroscopy system for wide measurement range of number density
using a dual-tube inductively coupled plasma light source,” Review of Scientific
Instruments, Vol.83, 2012, 123105. |
[42] |
Matsui, M., Tanaka, K., Nomura, S., Komurasaki, K., Yamagiwa, Y., and Arakawa,
Y., “Generation and Diagnostics of Atmospheric Pressure CO2 Plasma by Laser
Driven Plasma Wind Tunnel,” Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 2012, 033301. |
[41] |
中野正勝, 松井信, 田中憲作, 荒川義博, 後藤徹也, 白形弘文, “レーザープラズマによるアルミナ還元のシミュレーション,” プラズマ応用科学,
Vol.20, No.1, 2012, pp.43-47. |
[40] |
荒川義博, 松井信, 中野正勝, 高橋周平, 後藤徹也, 白形弘文, “アルミニウムを用いたエネルギー循環システムの技術開発,” プラズマ応用科学,
Vol.20, No.1, 2012, pp.3-8. |
[39] |
Fukuji, N., Yoneda, S., Cho, S., Matsui, M., Nakano, M., Yamagiwa, Y.,
Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y., “Concept of Renewable Energy Cycle System
Using Aluminum,” Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.5, No.1, 2012,
pp.98-101. |
[38] |
Yamagiwa, Y., Nakata, M., Miwa, T., and Matsui, M., “Feasibility Study
of a Stratospheric Elevator,” Transactions of the JSASS Aerospace Technology
Japan, Vol.10, No.ISTS28, 2012, pp.1-7. |
[37] |
山極芳樹,髙木暁生,吉村尚倫,松井信,田中孝治,阿部琢美,佐原宏典,藤井裕矩, “観測ロケットによる導電ベアテザーの作動と荷電粒子収集理論検証実験,”
航空宇宙技術, Vol.11,2012, pp.7-14. |
[36] |
石井克典, 松下太郎, 粟冠真平, 松井信, 山極芳樹, “スターダスト推進機用推進剤供給装置の性能評価,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.19,
No.1, 2011, pp.64-68. |
[35] |
Mastui, M., Tanaka, K., Yamagishi, S., Matsumoto, S., Yamagiwa, Y., Komurasaki,
K., and Arakawa, Y., “Temperature Measurement of Atmospheric Pressure CO2
Plasma Flows Generated by a Laser Driven Plasma Wind Tunnel,” Frontier
of Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.4, No.1, 2011, pp.1-5. |
[34] |
Matsui, M., Yamagishi, S., Komurasaki, K., Yamagiwa, Y., and Arakawa, Y.,
“Thermal Efficiency of Laser Driven Inductively Coupled Plasma Generator
Flows,” Transactions of the JSASS Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol.8, No.ISTS27,
2010, Pe_47-Pe_51. |
[33] |
Ichinose, D., Matushita, T., Matsui, M., and Yamagiwa, Y., “Plasma Charging
and Acceleration of Micro-Particles for a Space Thruster,” Frontier of
Applied Plasma Technology, Vol.3, 2010, pp.120-122. |
[32] |
神戸篤, 若槻賢, 山極芳樹, 松井信, 田中孝司, 住野諒, “数値解析による軌道上のベアテープテザーによるイオン収集電流の検討,” プラズマ応用科学,
Vol.17, No.2, 2009, pp.109-116. |
[31] |
山岸すい星, 松井信, 山極芳樹, 小紫公也, 荒川義博, “誘導結合レーザー維持プラズマのエネルギー熱効率測定,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.17,
No.2, 2009, pp.159-162. |
[30] |
Matsui, M., Shinmi, K., Ueno, T., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y., “Operation
Characteristics of Laser Driven Plasma Wind Tunnel,” Transactions of the
JSASS Space Technology Japan, Vol.7, No.ISTS26, 2009, pp.31-39. |
[29] |
Yokota, S., Lempke, M., Matsui, M., Hara, K., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa,
Y., “Diagnostics of Xe Ion in an Anode-layer Type Hall Thruster Using Laser-Induced
Fluorescence,” Transactions of the JSASS Space Technology Japan, Vol.7,
No.ISTS26, 2009, pp.131-134. |
[28] |
Takayanagi, H., Matsui, M., Komurasaki, K., Ochimizu, H., and Arakawa,
Y., “Arc Wind-Tunnel Flow Diagnostics by Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy,”
AIAA Journal, Vol.47, No.5, 2009, pp.1195-1199. |
[27] |
Matsui, M., Yokota, S., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y., “Evaluation of
Unionized Propellant Xenon Atom in a Hall Thruster Plume,” Rarefied Gas
Dynamics, AIP 1084, 2008, pp.889-894. |
[26] |
新見耕二, 松井信, 小紫公也, 荒川義博, “レーザー駆動プラズマ風洞による高密度酸素原子流の生成,” プラズマ応用科学, Vol.16,
No.1, 2008, pp.9-14. |
[25] |
Lempke M., Yokota S., Matsui M., Hara K., Komurasaki K., and Arakawa Y.,
“LIF Spectroscopy of a Hall Thruster Plasma Plume,” Frontier of Applied
Plasma Technology, Vol.1, 2008, pp.37-40. |
[24] |
Matsui, M., Takayanagi, H., Knapp, A., Herdrich, G., Komurasaki, K., Arakawa,
Y., and Auweter-Kurtz, M., “Characterization of Thermal Arc Generator RB3
by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy and Pitot probe,” Frontier of Applied
Plasma Technology, Vol.1, 2008, pp.21-25. |
[23] |
Yokota S., Sakoh D., Matsui M., Komurasaki K., Arakawa Y., “Charge Exchange
Ion Number Density Distribution in Hall Thruster Plume,” Vacuum, Vol.83,
Iss. 1-4, Sept. 2008, pp.57-60. |
[22] |
Matsui, M., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y., “Sensitivity Enhancement of
Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for Atomic Oxygen Measurement in Microwave
Air Plasma,” Vacuum, Vol.83, Iss. 1-4, Sept. 2008, pp.21-24. |
[21] |
Matsui, M., Komurasaki, K., Arakawa, Y., Knapp, A., Herdrich, G., and Auweter-Kurtz,
M., “Enthalpy Measurement of Inductively Heated Air Flow,” Journal of Spacecraft
and Rockets, Vol.45, No.1, 2008, pp.155-157. |
[20] |
Matsui, M., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y., “Integrated Cavity Output
Spectroscopy for Atomic Oxygen Measurement in Microwave Air Plasma,” Advances
in Applied Plasma Science, Vol. 6, 2007, pp.29-32. |
[19] |
高柳大樹, 松井信, 小紫公也, 落水 秀晃, 荒川義博,“キャビティエンハンスト吸収分光法によるプラズマトーチ気流診断,” 日本航空宇宙学会論文集,
Vol. 55, No. 642, 2007, pp.324-328. |
[18] |
Matsui, M., Ikemoto, T., Takayanagi, H., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y.,
“Generation of Highly Dissociated Oxygen Flows using a Constrictor-type
Arc-heater,” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol.21, No.1,
2007, pp. 247-249. |
[17] |
横田茂, 松井信, 佐孝大地, 小紫公也, 荒川義博, “ホール型推進機プルーム中のXe原子数密度測定,”プラズマ応用科学,” No.14,
2006, pp.35-40. |
[16] |
Matsui, M., Ogawa, S., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y., “Influence of Laser
Intensity on Absorption Line Broadening in Laser Absorption Spectroscopy,”
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 100, 2006, 063102. |
[15] |
松井信, 池本智之, 高柳大樹, 小紫公也, 荒川義博, “ジルコニウム陰極を用いたアーク風洞による原子状酸素気流の生成,” 宇宙技術, Vol.5,
2006, pp.27-31. |
[14] |
Inoue, T., Matsui, M., Takayanagi, H., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y.,
“Effect of Swirl Flow on an Atmospheric Inductively Coupled Plasma Supersonic
Jet,” Vacuum, Vol. 80, Iss. 11-12, Sept. 2006, pp. 1174-1178. |
[13] |
Matsui, M., Ikemoto, T., Takayanagi, H., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y.,
“Evaluation of plume characteristics of arc-heaters with various oxygen
injection systems,” Vacuum, Vol. 80, Iss. 11-12, Sept. 2006, pp. 1161-1166. |
[12] |
Matsui, M., Ikemoto, T., Takayanagi, H., Komurasaki, K., and Arakawa, Y.,
“Performance of a Zirconium Cathode Arc-heater as an Atomic Oxygen Generator,”
Proceedings of 25th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science
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